Spring Boost

We’re a bit obsessed with Stinging Nettles (Utrica dioica) – they have been used all over the world for centuries, as a source of food, herbal remedies, dyes and even textile fibres.

In our culture today, the nettle is often misunderstood; thought of only as an invasive weed which produces a fierce sting if argued with …. the actual truth is that nettles are one of nature’s absolute wonders. Rich with healing properties, the nettle is a nutritional powerhouse! It also provides essential habitat for insect life with its unusual production of both pollen and nectar, and …. while butterflies feed in its canopy, it busily gets on with its work below ground, adding nitrogen and transforming infertile soil into fruitful growing ground. 

Nettle is a super food of the highest quality, with naturally high levels of phytonutrients including a range of vitamins and minerals beneficial to our constitution. Our ancestors advise us that when juiced, or made into a tea or tincture – nettle is a powerful immune booster containing anti-inflammatory agents and toxin neutralisers.  Folklore from all over the world confirms the universal belief in the nettle’s powers of protection, healing and improvement for ourselves and our land.

In some areas of Scotland, Ireland, Devon & Cornwell, ‘Nettlemas Night’ or ‘Stinging Nettle Day’ celebrated the wonders of the Stinging Nettle. This celebration took place on the eve of May Day - when the important Celtic festival of Beltane marked the coming of the new growing season.


We celebrate nettles with our popular ‘Spring Boost’ Nettle and Lime sorbet which has proved extremely popular.


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Meadowsweet -Queen of the ditches